
CerPhi collaborate on research projects and proposals for funding with ERNOP members

EU COST programme

COST Proposal : The Coordination and Advancement of Philanthropic Research in Europe – CAPRE, Septembre, 2009.

The main objective of CAPRE is to contribute substantially to the coordination, integration and advancement of philanthropic research in Europe and to strengthen Europe’s scientific and networking activity in the field. The core activities of CAPRE will be the advancement of theoretical conceptualisation of philanthropy and the advancement of methodologies for the study of philanthropy. CAPRE will result in a better understanding of the nature and role of philanthropy in relation to evolutions in European welfare states and its sources of funding. This is of great importance, as due to a changing welfare mix and the current economic crisis, a shift from government provided public goods to more privately financed goods and services can be observed in Europe. CAPRE will enable policy makers to utilize the great potential of philanthropic contributions, and consequently ensure the wellbeing and quality of life for European citizens.

European Science Foundation Research Networking programme

ESF RNP Proposal : Mapping European Philanthropy for the Public Good – EuPhilGood, october 2010

EuPhilGood aims to expand the scientific knowledge of European Philanthropy through a network of European researchers of both EU and non-EU origin. EuPhilGood will build upon the existing European Research Network on Philanthropy, and its networking activities will aim to conduct the first comparative study of household and institutional philanthropic giving in all EU member contries, including both synchronic and dynamic comparisons. The building of this network will allow the implementation of an unprecedented portfolio of secondary data inventory-and primary data gathering projects in 27 European countries, to be analysed under a common and multidisciplinary theoretical framework. A standardised research design will be implanted to collect primary data.

Science of Generosity Project

How Can Generosity Be Promoted in Different Cultures ?

Comparing Three Different Marketing Tactics for Promoting Generosity in Four National Contexts

Charitable Giving is becoming a globalized phenomenon. Whether or not the reasons for giving money are equally globalized is a matter that still remains to be analyzed. This is the issue that is addressed by the research project proposed here. Today’s major charitable organizations collect money from a wide range of countries and even different continents. Often, charitable organizations rely on marketing to promote an interest in the desired behavior (generosity) and in a specific product (the organization’s cause). The cost of fundraising and marketing has been growing in the US as well as in Europe. Therefore, the question of how to promote generosity is one of great significance to organizations around the world. This study compares the effects of different donation appeals on generosity in four different countries, with different welfare state regimes and civil society models.


Poursuivre sa lecture

Isabelle Khuong, Conseil en Stratégie de Marque a participé à la table ronde organisée par France générosités le 21 novembre 2023 pour son colloque annuel. Quels sont les comportements de dons des 35/54 ans, comparés à ceux des -de 35 ans et des +de 54 ans ? Comment ces comportements ont évolué depuis 15 ans ? Qu’est ce qui caractérise cette tranche d’âge, dans son rapport à la consommation, à...
Point de vue
Souvent réduite à des dons financiers d’individus fortunés, la philanthropie aux États-Unis émane pourtant de donateurs bien plus variés. L’économiste spécialisé Charles Sellen a longtemps étudié ce pays où plus de la moitié de la population donne. Dans cet entretien, il revient sur les récentes évolutions de cette générosité, sur ses ressorts notamment patriotiques, politiques et religieux, et sur la possibilité d’une culture philanthropique à la française.
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Isabelle Khuong, Conseil en Stratégie de Marque, est intervenue aux côtés de Roland Raymond, Conseil en Fundraising, lors du 22ème Séminaire francophone de la collecte de fonds qui a eu lieu les 27-28 et 29 juin 2023 à Paris. Ils ont animé un atelier dédié à la Génération X et à sa générosité. Données démographiques et économiques autant que résultats d'études marketing ont permis d'apporter des clés d'analyse, mais aussi...
Antoine Vaccaro – Président du CerPhi- est intervenu lors de la 16 ème édition du Festival del Fundraising qui a eu lieu à Riccione en Italie les 5-6-7 juin 2023 : Que retenir des évolutions récentes de la philanthropie italienne ?